Physical Condition
Online Calculator of Your Physical Condition. Calculates: Body Mass Index, Fat Percentage, Resting Metabolism (RMR), Average Actual Metabolism, Target Heart Rate (THR), Maximum Heart Rate (MHR), and also suggests what the heart rate should be during workouts.
Choose Your Gender.
Your Current Weight.
Your Height.
Your Age.
Calculated as the average of 3-5 measurements of the pulse beats in 1 minute in the morning after sleep in bed.
Usually this place is above the navel.
Extend your right arm forward in front of you, bend it at the elbow at 90 degrees, and hold it so that the palm is facing you, fingers extended. Measure the distance between the two outermost bones of the arm at the elbow with a caliper. If you do not have a caliper, squeeze the bones with the fingers of your left hand, then carefully apply them to a ruler.
Specify what lifestyle you lead.
Specify the goal of sports activities.
Less than 19 - forget about losing weight, your current weight is already below normal, so you urgently need to gain the missing kilograms!
From 20 to 25 - physiological norm, no need to lose weight, but for health, preventive or aesthetic purposes, a slight correction can be made in one direction or another!
From 26 to 30 - slight excess weight, it is recommended to choose one of the diets for preventive weight loss!
From 31 to 40 - you have ac excess weight, it's time to go on a diet for a long time and seriously!
More than 40 - extreme overweight, consult a dietitian!
Less than 19 - forget about losing weight, your current weight is already below normal, so you urgently need to gain the missing kilograms!
From 20 to 25 - physiological norm, no need to lose weight, but for health, preventive or aesthetic purposes, a slight correction can be made in one direction or another!
From 26 to 30 - slight excess weight, it is recommended to choose one of the diets for preventive weight loss!
From 31 to 40 - you have ac excess weight, it's time to go on a diet for a long time and seriously!
More than 40 - extreme overweight, consult a dietitian!
Height and body type are used to calculate ideal weight.
Estimated amount of body fat.
Body mass without fat.
The number of calories needed by your body to maintain life in a state of rest per day and per hour.
The average number of calories you expend per day and per hour according to the stated activity.
During sports activities, strive to maintain the heart rate (number per minute) close to the indicated values to achieve the goal of sports activities declared by you.
Based on your age. Even during the most intensive activities, do not exceed this value to avoid damage to the heart muscle.